video guide (https://youtu.be/YPfEzKMsHIg)
1. Run the application on both devices.
2. Click on the menu icon in the left bottom corner and select Paired devices.
3. Click on "Add device".
4. On one device please choose Baby station, on the second device please choose Parent station (later you can change it).
5. Please fill in the code from Baby station to Parent station.
6. Confirm the notification on the Baby station.
7. Both devices are now paired together. The list of already paired devices you can find when you click on the menu icon in the left bottom corner and select Paired devices.
video guide (https://youtu.be/YPfEzKMsHIg)
1. Run the application on both devices.
2. Click on the icon of the phones in the top right corner.
3. Click on "+" in the top right corner.
4. On one device please choose Baby station, on the second device please choose Parent station (later you can change it).
5. Please fill in the code from Baby station to Parent station.
6. Confirm the notification on the Baby station.
7. Both devices are now paired together. The list of already paired devices you can find when you click on the icon of the phones in the top right corner.