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What is Barkio Account?

When upgrading to Barkio Premium, you'll be asked to create a Barkio Account. To create a new one, you'll need a name for your family, email address, and a password. 

Thanks to Barkio Account, your experience with Barkio will be much easier. You'll be able to pair a new device easily by logging with your Barkio Account into devices across all platforms (iOS, Android, macOS, Windows, and Linux). The new device will also be paired with other devices under your Barkio Account automatically. 

The Activity log will be shared within your Barkio Account. So whenever you aren't able to join the monitoring, you'll still be able to check what's been going on afterward.

Recorded commands will be shared within your Barkio Account, so you won't have to record them multiple times. 

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