Some Google Play users have experienced an issue when trying to download Dog Monitor on their Android devices.
- If you are using the same Google Play account on multiple Android devices, you can install the app through Google Play → Menu → My apps & games → Library and install the app from there. Some of our users have experienced an issue with Google Play when installing the app on devices with the same Google Play account.
- If Google Play indicates you already own the app when trying to purchase it, please clear the cache of Google Play Store. You can do so by following this guide by Google: Then, try to install the app again.
- If that does not help please log in to Google Play on chrome on desktop, find the app, click on install, and select the second device. If the issue persists, contact Google Play support for further help.
If you are using different Google Play accounts on your Android devices, you can install the app through Google Play Family Library: