Úvod > Geotag Photos Pro > Frequently Asked Questions > How to link the app with cloud storage?

How to link the app with cloud storage?

Our Geotag Photos app currently supports automatic linking with Dropbox, Google Drive, and GeotagPhotos.net on Android. For iOS devices, there is also an option to link the app with iCloud.
Follow these steps on iOS
  1. Open the app
  2. Go to the Settings tab (bottom of the page)
  3. Select the Cloud services tab (top of the page)
  4. Tap link with a new service
  5. Select cloud storage you wish to link
  6. Follow the sign-in process
Follow these steps on Android
  1. Open the app
  2. Tap Menu (in the upper left corner)
  3. Tap on the Settings icon next to "Services and accounts"
  4. Select Add account
  5. Select cloud storage you wish to link
  6. Follow the sign-in process
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