Geotag Photos Pro
Frequently Asked Questions
I have two accounts and I want to merge them
I have two accounts and I want to merge them
If you have two Geotag Photos Pro accounts that you'd like us to merge, email us both usernames and email addresses to
. Our support team will get in touch with further details and will merge the accounts for you.
Dub 19, 2021
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Ostatní články
Does Geotag Photos work without the internet connection?
Does desktop version supports RAW camera formats?
How much will Geotag Photos Pro drain my battery?
How can I reset my password?
Why did Geotag Photos Pro 2 terminate on my Android device?
Desktop app doesn't find any matching photos
I uploaded my trip, but it is not visible on the web
How to link the app with cloud storage?
Which app do you recommend for working with geotagged images?
How can I use Geotag Photos with Lightroom?
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